Playing the Long Game
GIRLS Got Game
HBO’s Girls Exposes Pretty Lies
Why Women Say Yes to Booty Calls
Even Slutty College Women Reject Sluts For Friendship
Sex That’s Not Happening
The Unrestricted Male as Relationship Ricin
I Lied About Losing My Virginity
Men, Women, Sex, and Double Standards
If You're Faking It, Should You Ever Tell?
Should Men Be Afraid Of Dating a Model?
… continued from Bachelor Number 24 – First date…
- Okay, so the minute Bachelor Number 24 left my house, I knew what I wanted. I wanted Carwash to come over. He had mentioned that he would be in town for a cocktail party, but I wasn’t sure of the details. I took a deep breath and went for it. I sent him a text message.
ME: Are you still in Brissie?
HIM: Yes!
ME: What are you doing?
HIM: Biding my time, waiting til I can get the fuck out of here!
ME: What? Where are you?
15 minute gap…
ME: You want me to come get you?
- Turns out he was at a girl’s place for the cocktail party, and it was their second date. And he was having a terrible time. Which was further exacerbated when she caught him texting me. He had told her about a girl he used to date, she saw my name on his screen, and flew into a fit at him. His description of the conversation went something like this:
- PSCYHO: Why is she texting you after midnight?